Why join the Board?
The ELC of Osceola County is a champion for early learning. Partnering with other local agencies, organizations and companies, decisions made on the board help local families and providers receive the tools they need to help children enter kindergarten healthy and ready to succeed.
What are the benefits of
joining the Board?
*Being a voice for Osceola County-by helping make decisions that will impact families, you therefore make the same impact in local communities, economies, and education.
*Networking- The ELC has a wide range of companies and organizations within the board, so you have the ability to connect with other like minded individuals like yourself.
*Accomplishment- Knowing that you make decisions that benefit children, you can’t help but feel accomplished in ensuring that children are given the opportunity to thrive.
How do I join the Board?
If you are ready to change the lives of Osceola families, you can join the board in three easy steps.
Email your interest to Yoshi Cabrera (YCabrera@elcosceola.org) and fill out the board member application form.
Interview with the current board and CEO.
If selected, you will be sent the schedule and zoom link for the next meeting.