The School Readiness Program is a state and federally funded program that helps families pay for child care. The program prepares children to become ready for school. It also assists families in becoming financially self-sufficient.
Child care assistance is available for qualifying families to pay part of the child care costs based on the family’s income, household size, and other factors.
Prepares young children to enter school ready to learn
Helps families afford quality care for their children
Helps families to go to work or go to school
Helps families become financially independent
To qualify for the School Readiness program:
Parents or Legal Guardian(s) must reside in Osceola County.
Parents or Legal Guardian(s) must meet a purpose for care (employed for a minimum 20 hours per week, enrolled full time in accredited college or trade school and/or documentation of a disability by a licensed Physician).
Parent of Legal Guardian(s) must meet Income Guidelines – gross income must be at or below the 150% of Federal Poverty level based on their family size.
Parent or Legal Guardian(s) must register for a Family Portal account and submit online application along with proof of eligibility (pay stub, school class schedule or proof of disability).
how to register for an account
school readiness application
school readiness Eligibility Verification
complete your school readiness enrollment
Self-Service Links
Would you like more information on how much you can expect to earn on the career path selected over time, how those earnings may impact public assistance, and how those earnings compare to the local cost-of-living? Please visit CareerSource Central Florida